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Custom Case Interiors II

Shipping Case InteriorTypically plotted as a Dynamic Cushioning Curve, Table 1 represents the curves for five different thicknesses of a single polyethylene product for the same drop height.

Second, note the portion of the curve for the chosen thickness which lies on or below the fragility line. This defines a range of static loadings that will provide the desired cushion performance, as shown by the shaded area in Table 2. Any static loading value from within this range can be used in your case design to attain the desired result.

By dividing the weight of your equipment by the chosen static loading value, the result is the number of square inches of foam that should be used to support the product in the package.

By repeating this procedure with several types of cushioning materials, we generate comparisons which allow us to strike an economical balance between cost and case size.

Transit Case InteriorDue to the variances in load bearing surfaces in the foam lined transit case shown on the left, average deceleration ranges of 88 to 135 G's based on a 12 inch drop height would be realized.

Which custom case interior configuration more closely resembles the protective packaging used by your equipment OEM to ship their product to you?

Unless their shipment arrived damaged, it's a prime example of a functionally designed one way packaging solution.

If you would like additional information about our custom interior designs, please contact us directly at 1-800-268-6000 or support@cyber-case.com.

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