the Internet as our platform, the structured purpose of Quantum
Scientific is to provide you with the custom test case you need
using E-mail (,
fax (1-877-268-6077) and telephone
With thousands of diverse applications
and field proven designs on file, we catalogue our custom test
case designs based on the case contents. Every test case is specifically
designed for it's particular application, working in 1/16th inch
increments on all three axis, so there's no need to compromise
your application design.
This way, our point of reference is the same as yours - equipment
manufacturer, model number and function. The result is a better
shipping case that is protective and cost-effective.
All you need do is E-mail questions, drawings
or image files to a Technical rfq Representative (,
or complete any form found on this site in order to find the shipping
case you need.
It's that
As with all our custom shipping cases, there are
no setup fees, the minimum order is one, and typical lead time
to shipping is 10 business days from order. To have a quote for
shipping cases sent straight to your email address, please use
our "Quick-Quote" system.
here to request a quote for TEST CASES.
information on rackmount test cases, visit