Quantum Scieintific :: Shipping-Case.com
Monitor Cases from Quantum Scientific Inc.
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Monitor Cases

Monitor Case for a 50" Plasma Display ScreenThe focal point of your presentation...sleek... powerful... gentle curves... rounded corners... pedestals... speakers... difficult to measure... awkward to handle... cumbersome to ship.

Given your specific shipping requirements, there are a number of custom case configurations available to meet your needs for monitor cases, projection cases and plasma display shipping cases.

Shock isolated monitor cases can be developed for large screen projection systems or plasma display televisions, similar to the custom monitor case design on the right.

Not all monitors are created equal. Screen size, monitor depth and unique bases make finding the right case for your monitor(s) a task in itself. Shipping-Case.com / Quantum Scientific Inc. can design a protective and cost-effective solution with no set-up fees.

At Shipping-Case.com, form follows function.

For single monitor applications, we typically recommend a reverse removable case configuration. This design feature allows you to lift the case off of the monitor, rather than try to lift the monitor out of a conventional top load case design.

Click here to request a quote for MONITOR CASES.




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