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Custom Case Interiors

Custom Laptop Case The fragility of an item is determined by measuring the maximum deceleration (rate of decrease in velocity over a measured period of time) it can withstand without damage.

This measurement is expressed as "G's, and the more fragile the item, the lower the G-Factor. As an example, test equipment has a typical fragility range of 40-60 G's, whereas an egg has a fragility approximating 60 G's.

Perhaps the most common misconception regarding the use of cushioning materials in custom cases is that "you can't have too much foam" , and nothing could be further from the truth.

All foam materials are designed to demonstrate specific cushion response values based on realized load weight and the anticipated drop height.

Utilizing proprietary software, our custom case designs are developed based on established cushion response values, typical handling environments and the specific packaging criteria of each case application, not on the availibility of stock case sizes and configurations.

Custom Foam InteriorAlthough our approach to your requirements may be more technically involved than most custom case manufacturers, there are no design fees, and our minimum order is one.

In choosing to offer shipping case designs that reduce the risks associated with your specific shipping and handling environments, we prefer to be considered as a partner rather than a vendor.

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